Colonoscopy or Lower Digestive Endoscopy

Perform a colonoscopy to detect abnormalities in the colon or large intestine

What is the colonoscopy ?

Colonoscopy also known as coloscopy is an examination that allows to study the internal wall of the colon. It looks for polyps, durable presence of blood in the stools, The occurrence of unexplained anemia, The presence of recurrent abdominal pain, Chronic changes in intestinal transit (constipation or persistent diarrhea), cancer, diverticulitis, inflammation or infection ...

It is recommended for the detection of colon cancer in any person aged 50 years or older

Using a miniaturized camera (which the doctor introduces anally), the walls of your intestine are examined to find a cause for your problems or to look for polyps if it is a cancer screening . The examination, which lasts on average 20 to 30 minutes, also makes it possible to take samples (biopsies) or to remove polyps.

Pain control can be accomplished by so-called disconnection sedation, which consists of mild anesthesia with intravenous injection of a product that puts you in a sleeping state for the duration of the examination, It is not a deep general anesthesia. This process is carried out under the permanent control of a seasoned anesthetist. At the end of the exam, you wake up almost immediately.

Caution : Injection of a sedative or anesthetic prohibits you from driving a vehicle during the whole day. So make sure you accompany or choose another means of transport.

Coloscopy for men and women : is there a difference or not ?

Colonoscopy is used to inspect the large intestine, part of the small intestine and the rectum. In 15-20% of cases in women, screening helps to detect the presence of polyps. In 20% to 25% of cases, this examination helps to reveal the presence of polyps in men.

There are no differences between colonoscopy for men and colonoscopy for women. The examination is done in the colon and the preparation is the same in both.

This examination is done on an outpatient basis under sedation or disconnection (light anaesthesia). The gastroenterologist gently introduces the endoscope with the aid of the sight and visits all segments of the large intestine (colon). The colonoscopy takes about 20 minutes for both men and women.

When is a colonoscopy necessary ?

Apart from a family history of colon cancer, a colonoscopy is indicated from the age of 50 every 5 years as part of rectal and colorectal cancer screening. In case of a family history of colorectal cancer, a colonoscopy is strongly recommended because some colon cancers are genetically transmitted.

Frequently, a mass or polyp is found in the rectum or colon of an adult. It is often harmless, but some polyps are adenomas that can become cancer. During a colonoscopy, a gastroenterologist can diagnose polyps and perform a polypectomy, and remove them. This is done endoscopically and with the help of vision.

When should I have a coloscopy ?

For most people, colon cancer screening is detected in later life. If you have a colonoscopy that does not show cancer or benign adenomas, the next examination should not be done for the next 5 years.

If you have a polyp, you will need to have a repeat examination every 5 years. Ask your doctor how often you should have a coloscopy if you are in situations like these: if you have polyps :

  • You have a brother, child or parent who has had colorectal cancer or adenomas;
  • You have had multiple malignant or large adenomas;
  • You have an inflammatory bowel disease.

Why have a colonoscopy ?

  • Check for polyps or colorectal cancer;
  • Follow up after worrying results of other tests such as barium enema, MRI, CT scan, or stool analysis;
  • Post-operative follow-up after colon cancer;
  • Do a biopsy;
  • Check for inflammation in certain areas, which could indicate Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis;
  • Check for anaemia, blood in the stool, stabbing pain, constipation or diarrhoea.

How to prepare for a coloscopy ?

The colon must be clean for the examination to be of quality! It depends on you! You will have to follow a strict waste diet during the 4 days before your exam and drink at least 1.5 L of water per day.

Procedure to be followed before performing colonoscopy:

Prohibited: fruits, vegetables, gray bread or whole meal, cereals.

Foods Can be eaten for a few days before performing a colonoscopy: semi-skimmed or lean dairy products, fish, egg, poultry fillet, lean meat, white bread, crispbread, jelly jam, fruit juice without pulp, White rice, white pasta, potato, tea, coffee, defatted broth, plain water.

What are the different diets ?

1If the exam takes place in the morning :

The day before :

  • ✓ Breakfast and light lunch following the die
  • ✓ at 3pm a snack like a natural yoghurt or a cream is allowed, Take a tablet of Dulcolax®
  • ✓ From that moment on, you can not eat until the end of your exam !
  • ✓ at 6pm: Dilute the dose N ° 1 (1 sachet) of PLENVU® in 500ml of cold water and drink the solution thus obtained in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ at 6:30pm: Drink at least 500 ml of water in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ at 8pm: Dilute the dose N ° 2 (2 sachets) of PLENVU® in 500ml of cold water and drink the solution in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ at 8:30 pm: Drink at least 500ml of water in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ After 9pm you can drink extra clear liquid (water, tea or coffee without milk, apple juice) if you want.
  • ✓ The Clean Enema to do 1 hour before your departure for the exam
Do not drink anything 2 hours before your exam.

2If the exam takes place in the afternoon, (1st possibility) :

The day before :

  • ✓ Breakfast and light lunch following the diet
  • ✓ At 3pm a snack like yogurt or cream is allowed, Also take 1 tablet of Dulcolax®
  • ✓ From now on you can't eat anything until the end of your exam !
  • ✓ At 6pm: Dilute the dose N ° 1 (1 sachet) of PLENVU® in 500ml of cold water and drink the solution obtained in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ At 6:30pm: Drink at least 500ml of water in 30 min.
The day of the exam :
  • ✓ at 6am: Dilute the dose N ° 2 (2 sachets) of PLENVU® in 500ml of cold water and drink the solution obtained in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ At 6:30 am: Drink at least 500ml of water in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ After 7am you can drink extra clear liquid (water, tea or coffee without milk, apple juice) if you want.
  • ✓ The Clean Enema to do 1 hour before your departure for the exam.
Don't drink anything 2 hours before your exam.

3If the exam takes place in the afternoon, (2nd possibility) :

The day before :

  • ✓ Breakfast and light lunch following the diet
  • ✓ At 8 pm a light soup and / or a natural yoghurt
  • ✓ From that moment on you can not eat anything until the end of your exam !
  • ✓ Take 1 tablets of Dulcolax®
  • The day of the exam :
  • ✓ At 6am: Dilute the dose N ° 1 (1 sachet) of PLENVU® in 500 ml of cold water and drink the resulting solution in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ At 6:30 am: Drink at least 500ml of water in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ At 8am: Dilute the dose N ° 2 (2 sachets) of PLENVU® in 500 ml of cold water and drink the solution obtained in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ At 8:30 am: Drink at least 500 ml of water in 30 minutes.
  • ✓ After 9am you can drink extra clear liquid (water, tea or coffee without milk, apple juice) if you want.
Do not drink anything 2 hours before your exam

What are the side effects of a coloscopy ?

Coloscopy has some side effects including :

  • Bloating as a result of air being injected into the colon;
  • A little blood in the stool for a few days in case of polyp removals;
  • Exceptionally a perforation in the intestine which is treated with antibiotics and sometimes surgery;

Infections are almost non-existent, as the endoscopes are well disinfected in accordance with the most advanced European standards. With regard to any biopsy and polyp removal, the material used is single-use.

To ensure your safety, you are taken to a hospital or gastroenterology centre in the endoscopy department after being sedated.

More Informations

Can I take my medications ?

You must take them in the morning of the exam unless the anesthetist advises otherwise. However, if you have diabetes, take anti-coagulants or aspirin, have problems cardiac, pulmonary or have a heart valve, contact for anesthesia consultation to 02 673 90 71.

Should I stay on an empty stomach?

Do not eat 6h before the exam. Do not drink 2 hours before the exam.

Making an appointment with a gastroenterologist

Our DDG digestive endoscopy centre is located in Brussels and is specialised in gastroscopy and colonoscopy. To make an appointment, simply contact us via our appointment form or by telephone on 026739071

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